Learning the following word roots and prefixes is a fast way to strengthen your vocabulary. Given that a fluent English speaker must learn over 5,000 words, combining word-parts is a smart approach. Even if you don’t know the meaning of a new word straight off, you can make an ‘educated guess’ if you only had a clue to the word root or prefix within the word.
Prefix or Word Root | Meaning | Example |
a, ab/s | from, away, off | abstract |
aer/o | air | aeroplane |
agr/i/o | farming | agriculture |
ambi, amphi | both, on both sides, around | amphibian |
ambul | walk, move | ambulance |
ami/o | love | amiable |
anim | life, spirit | animal |
anthrop/o | human | anthropology |
anti | against, opposite of | antibody |
aqu/a | water | aquarium |
arch/a/i | primitive, ancient | archaeology |
arthr/o | joint | arthritis |
astro, aster | star, stars, outer space | astronaut |
aud/i/io | hear | audible |
auto | self, same, one | automatic |
avi/a | bird | aviation |
bene | good, well | benefactor |
bi/n | two, twice, once in every two | biweekly |
bibli/o | book | bibliography |
bio | life, living matter | biology |
calc | stone | calcium |
capt, cept, ceive | take, hold | intercept, perceive |
cardi/o | heart | cardiology |
carn/i | flesh, meat | carnivorous |
cede, ceed, cess | go, yield | exceed |
cent/i | hundred, hundredth | centennial |
centr/o/i | center | egocentric |
cerebr/o | brain | cerebral |
cert | sure | certain |
chrom/o chromat/o, chros | color, pigment | chromatic |
chron/o | time | chronic |
circum | around, about | circumnavigate |
claim, clam | shout, speak out | clamor |
co | with, together, joint | coauthor |
cogn/i | know | cognition |
con | with, jointly | concur |
contra/o | against, opposite | contradict |
corp/o | body | corporation |
counter | opposite, contrary, opposing | counteract |
cranio | skull | craniology |
cred | believe | incredible |
crypto | hidden, secret | encryption |
cycl | circle, ring | bicycle |
dec/a, deka | ten | decade, decathalon |
dem/o | people | democracy |
dent, dont | tooth | dentist |
derm/a | skin | dermatology |
dia | through, between, apart, across | diagonal |
dict | speak | contradict |
domin | master | dominate |
don/at | give | donation |
duc/t | lead | conduct |
dyn/a/am | power, energy, strength | dynamic |
dys | abnormal, bad | dyslexia |
e- | out, away | evaporate |
ego | self | egotistic |
em, en | into, cover with, cause | empathy |
endo | within, inside | endotherm |
ethno | race, people | ethnic |
ex | from, out, | excavate |
extra, extro | outside, beyond | extraordinary |
fac/t | make, do | manufacture |
flor/a, fleur | flower | florist |
fore | in front of, previous, earlier | forefront |
form | shape | formation |
fract, frag | break | fracture |
funct | perform, work | function |
gastr/o | stomach | gastric |
gen/o/e/ | birth, production, | genealogy |
geo | earth, soil, global | geography |
giga | a billion | gigabyte |
gram | letter, written | diagram |
graph/y | writing, recording, written | graphics |
hect/o, hecat | hundred | hectare |
helic/o | spiral, circular | helicopter |
hemi | half, partial | hemicycle |
hem/o/a | blood | hemorrhage |
herbi | grass, plant | herbs |
hetero | different, other | heterogeneous |
homo, homeo | like, alike, same | homogeneous |
hydr/o | liquid, water | hydroelectric |
hyper | too much, over, beyond | hyperactive |
hyp/o | under | hypoglycemia |
il, in | in, into | illuminate |
ig, il, im, in, ir | not, without | illegal, irrespective |
infra | beneath, below | infrastructure |
inter | between, among, jointly | international |
intra, intro | within, inside | intrastate |
juven | young | juvenile |
kilo | thousand | kilobyte |
lact/o | milk | lactate |
liber | free | liberate |
lingu | language, tongue | linguistics |
luc | light | elucidate |
lumin | light | illuminate |
lun/a/i | moon | lunar |
macro | large, great | macroeconomics |
magn/a/i | great, large | magnify |
mal/e | bad, ill, wrong | malcontent |
mania | madness, excessive desire | maniac |
mater, matr/i | mother | maternal |
mega | great, large, million | megastore |
meta | change, after, beyond, between | metaphysics |
meter, metr | measure | audiometer |
micro | very small, short, minute | micrometer |
mid | middle | midsection |
milli | onethousandth | millimeter |
min/i | small, less | miniskirt |
mis/o | bad, badly, wrong, wrongly, | misbehave |
morph/o | form | metamorphosis |
multi | many, more than one or two | multicolored |
nav | ship | navigate |
neo | new, recent | neolithic |
nom/in | name | nomenclature |
omni | all | omniverous |
para | beside, beyond | paranormal |
per | through, throughout | permit |
peri | around, enclosing | periscope |
phon/o | sound | phonograph |
phot/o | light | photogenic |
pod/e | foot | podiatrist |
poly | many, more than one | polygraph |
post | after, behind | postdated |
pre | earlier, before, in front of | prevention |
pro | before, in front of, fore | proactive |
psych/o | mind, mental | psychology |
quad/r/ri | four | quadrant |
re | again, back, backward | rebound |
retro | backward, back | retroactive |
rupt | break, burst | bankrupt |
scop/e/y | see, examine, observe | microscope |
scrib, script | write, written | scribble, inscription |
self | of, for, or by itself | self-respect |
semi | half, partial | semiannual |
sol | sun | solar |
son | sound | sonic |
sphere | ball | spherical, biosphere |
spir | breathe | inspire, spirit |
struct | build | construction, structure |
sub | under, lower than, inferior to | submarine |
super, supra | higher in quality or quantity | superimposed |
techno | technique, skill | technology |
tel/e/o | far, distant, complete | telephone |
temp/or | time | temporary |
term/ina | end, limit | terminus |
therm/o | heat | thermal |
trans | across,beyond, through | transfer |
tri | three, once in every three, | triangle |
ultra | beyond, extreme, more than | ultralight |
un | not,opposite of, lacking | unavailable |
uni | one, single | unicycle |
urb | city | urban |
vac | empty | evacuate |
vid | see | video |
vis, vid | see | vision |
viv/I, vit | live, life | revival |
voc/i | voice, call | advocate |
Suffix | Meaning | Example |
– able | capable of, worthy of | noticeable |
– ade | action or process, persons acting | renegade |
– age | state of being, or quality, pertaining to | marriage |
– al | state of being, or quality, state of | marital, causal |
– ancy | state, quality, act or condition | agency |
– ant | one who acts | registrant |
– archy | rule, government | monarchy |
– ard | one who acts | steward |
– ary | pertaining to, connected with | elementary |
– ced | move, yield | recede, secede |
– cide | killing, act of | homoicide |
– cious | capable of | capacious |
– cit | having the quality, or call | incite |
– clam | call, cry out | exclamation |
– clino | lean | decline, incline |
– clud | shut | seclude, preclude |
– cracy | rule | democracy |
– crat | ruler, member of ruling body | autocrat |
– ennial | yearly | centennial, perennial |
– ent, er | one who acts | student, teacher |
– ery | occupation, business, or condition | archery grocery |
– ette | small or diminutive | dinette, statuette |
– fic | of, bringing, yielding | pacific, soporific |
– gon | angled, angular | polygon, pentagon |
– grade | step | retrograde |
– hood | full of abounding in, to make, belong to | childhood |
– ible | capable of, worth of, tending to, or having the quality of | credible |
– ic, ical | of, pertaining to, similar or like | historical |
– ier | possessing or being, one who acts | carrier |
– ify | full of, abounding in, to make state of, move, do | testify |
– il, ile | act, quality or state, like one who acts | civil, servile |
– ine | act, quality or state, pertaining to, like one who acts | heroine |
– ing | expressing action | running, growing |
– ion | state, condition or act of | volition |
– ish | acting like, in the nature of, or similar to | impish, mannish |
– ism | art of, philosophy of, practice of | liberalism, Buddhism |
– ist | one who acts | philanthropist, artist |
– ite | possessing or being, one who acts | favorite |
– ive | having the nature of, tending toward | imaginative, collective |
– ize | to make into, to practice | mesmerize, familiarize |
– ject | hurl or throw | projectile |
– lateral | side | unilateral, multilateral |
– lent | full of, abounding in | succulent |
– less | without, beyond the | fearless, useless |
– like | resembling | childlike |
– lith | stone | monolith |
– logy | knowledge, termination in writing | psychology |
– ly | similar in manner | fully, carefully |
– ment | state, quality, or act of | entanglement |
– metry | measure | geometry |
– ness | condition, or state | consciousness |
– ology | science or branch of knowledge | technology |
– or | a person or thing that acts | actor, elevator |
– ory | of, pertaining to, place of | auditory |
– ous | state or quality | furious |
– par | make ready | prepare |
– pathy | suffering, feeling | sympathy, telepathy |
– philia | abnormal liking or tending toward | hemophilia |
– phobia | fear, dread | acrophobia, hydrophobia |
– phone | sound | telephone |
– pon, pos | place, put | postpone, position |
– pter | wing, feather | helicopter |
– scope | see | microscope |
– sect | cut | intersect, section |
– ship | state or quality, art of skill | partnership |
– sis | action, process, state | thesis |
– some | like or same | bothersome |
– sophy | science of | philosophy |
– sphere | layer | hemisphere |
– stat | standing, stationary, set | thermostat |
– ster | one who acts | teamster |
– tomy | a cutting | appendectomy |
– tort | to twist | distort |
– tract | draw, draw from, pull | extract, tractor |
– tron | an instrument | cyclotron |
– try | art or profession of, state or quality | forestry, ministry |
– tude | art or profession of, state or quality | aptitude |
– ule | diminutive force | miniscule |
– ulent | abounding in | fraudulent |
– ure | act or process, result of | adventure, tenure |
– urgy | work | dramaturgy, metallurgy |
– ven, vent | come | convention |
– vore, vorous | eating | carnivore |